Classification and Division

Walking down the halls of Central, there are a number of ways you could classify students. The most obvious would be by grade, so 9, 10, 11, and 12. Students can also be divided academically based on their course selection or even their grade averages. Certain social groups can classify groups of students. Examples could be the jocks, nerds, artsy fartsies, the band, punks, theatre folk, etc. However, this is a very stereotypical way of classifying students and is often very inaccurate as many students can belong to several of these divisions or none. Any of these classifications, perhaps excluding the division based on stereotyping, could be suitable. However, the specific classification chosen would have to depend on how you would wish to approach the group or demographic of which you are classifying.


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I am a OCD perfectionist, who loves playing sports, and who wants so badly to go to University and become a nurse. Although outwardly shy and quiet, I have an inner voice that screams to be heard, if only my mouth would open to speak.